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Dictionary of Dreams - Numbers, meaning and interpretation of dreams

Shake the floor. The interpretation of the dream, numbers of the cabal

Here's what shake the floor means in dreams. The numbers and Smorfia

shake a tree 36
Meaning of the dream: imprudent speeches

dirty floor 73
The meaning of the dream could be: recovery of a sum

stain on the floor 28
Dream Interpretation: envious chatter

carpet on the floor 75
If you dreamed it, it means: animosity useless

dirty underwear on the floor 12
The dream interpretation is: teachings for the future

wood floor 77
Here's what it might mean: sympathy reciprocated

uneven floor 30
According to the Smorfia it means: return of money

natural floor 28
For the cabal it could mean: nearby a woman

clean the floor 15
To dream this means: situation calm

slip on the floor 85
The explanation according to the cabal is: nerve irritation

urinating on the floor 16
Dream meaning: trouble from friends

crawl on the floor 53
The meaning of the dream could be: new perspectives

concrete floor 23
For the cabal, the interpretation is: falsehood

floor 57
If you dreamed it, it means: poverty and sadness

brick floor 66
Esoteric meaning: character influenced

polished floor 9
Here's what it might mean: Pending pleasant

adapt a floor 2
Interpretation and meaning: loss of security

shake a rug 11
For the cabal it could mean: hard work

soil floor 8
Explanation of the dream: alternative of joys and sorrows

shake your head 40
The explanation according to the cabal is: confidence with your loved one

shake your arms 24
Dream meaning: deceptions secrets

floor dismantling 73
The meaning of the dream could be: anxieties and fears

marble floor 90
For the cabal, the interpretation is: insidious flattery

damaging a floor 1
If you dreamed it, it means: small annoyances

bricked floor 73
Esoteric meaning: you have to convince stubborn people

paint a floor 33
Here's what it might mean: arrival of a loved one

curl up on the floor 75
Interpretation and meaning: nagging problems

sleep on the ground 87
For the cabal it could mean: interesting revelations

tremble 1
Explanation of the dream: you feel at the mercy of a problem

drunk on the floor 47
The explanation according to the cabal is: health hazard

sheet on the floor 44
Dream meaning: misunderstandings at work

tiles on the floor 62
The meaning of the dream could be: need for caution

shaking or stirring 35
For the cabal, the interpretation is: Be more active

shake off sleep 51
If you dreamed it, it means: new friends

floor wax 81
Esoteric meaning: precipitate action

floor inks 63
Here's what it might mean: someone is imposing something that you do not like

cockroaches on the floor 3
Interpretation and meaning: affirmation slow

eel in the ground 75
For the cabal it could mean: honest actions

kiss the ground 28
Explanation of the dream: melancholy love

get up off the ground 38
The explanation according to the cabal is: inconsistency in work

sit on the ground 13
Dream meaning: Fortunately rising

recline on the ground 13
The meaning of the dream could be: danger of extravagance

tumbling to the ground 7
For the cabal, the interpretation is: moods

squirrel on the ground 36
If you dreamed it, it means: friendly relations

resting on the ground 48
Esoteric meaning: unexpected aid

nibs on the ground 52
Here's what it might mean: heartbreak

snow on the ground 57
Interpretation and meaning: relationships relaxing

stony ground 23
For the cabal it could mean: tightening in love

somersault on the ground 45
Explanation of the dream: brilliant statement

spit on the ground 78
The explanation according to the cabal is: negative experience

lie down on the ground 68
Dream meaning: extravagant attitudes

saddle on the ground 28
The meaning of the dream could be: poverty

fall asleep on the ground 11
For the cabal, the interpretation is: disillusions

collect olives from the ground 21
If you dreamed it, it means: uncontrolled reactions

point a stick on the ground 22
Esoteric meaning: generous protection

tremble with fear 30
Here's what it might mean: concerns and regrets

shake hands 20
Interpretation and meaning: personal matter to be resolved

floor plans 43
For the cabal it could mean: do not like surprises

floor mats 5
Explanation of the dream: little desire to work

fall into the ground 11
The explanation according to the cabal is: need for more diplomacy