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Dictionary of Dreams - Numbers, meaning and interpretation of dreams

Many quiet ponds. Dream interpretation and the numbers for the lottery

Here's what many quiet ponds means in dreams. The numbers of Smorfia

quiet children 49
Meaning of the dream: excellent chance

the clear and quiet coast 1
The meaning of the dream could be: omen generally happy, especially for judges, litigants, travelers

many millipedes 32
Dream Interpretation: people in life that you would not see more

many phalanx 45
If you dreamed it, it means: aid

appease people screaming 58
The dream interpretation is: Decision actions

calm atmosphere 19
Here's what it might mean: satisfaction of short duration

quiet time 46
According to the Smorfia it means: hatred declared

ford a small quiet river 36
For the cabal it could mean: do not listen to the bad languages

many children 18
To dream this means: responsibility

many pipes 4
The explanation according to the cabal is: increasing wealth

many tents in a campsite 59
Dream meaning: cheerfulness

do many kilometers 12
The meaning of the dream could be: challenging project

see many actors 27
For the cabal, the interpretation is: success happy and great satisfaction

see many plane trees 34
If you dreamed it, it means: common sense

see many anchovies 14
Esoteric meaning: good fortune that you will remember

being attacked by many brigands 2
Here's what it might mean: mishaps with close relatives

lake 13
Interpretation and meaning: inner peace

man calm 90
For the cabal it could mean: poor health

peaceful sleep 9
Explanation of the dream: new knowledge

quiet 10
The explanation according to the cabal is: request for guarantees

quiet dog 15
Dream meaning: you are near someone who protects you

Maybe quiet 15
The meaning of the dream could be: unrest and persecution

many do it 87
For the cabal, the interpretation is: gift of a great lady

see and do not fear an ogre quiet 18
If you dreamed it, it means: you will overcome a serious danger without realizing it

many golden horns 48
Esoteric meaning: envy at work

A lot of animals 87
Here's what it might mean: economic situation stops

Creditors 9
Interpretation and meaning: awaits a visit unwelcome

envied by many 78
For the cabal it could mean: you will feel better

sign of many colors 23
Explanation of the dream: vulgarity and rumors

see many bats 3
The explanation according to the cabal is: severe loss

many people in their family 35
Dream meaning: despair

see many goats (sheep) together 28
The meaning of the dream could be: inheritance

plenty of roaches 17
For the cabal, the interpretation is: next calamity

plenty of credits 63
If you dreamed it, it means: reckless speculation

numerous customers 49
Esoteric meaning: support effective

approved by many 25
Here's what it might mean: quarrels dangerous

see many curves 16
Interpretation and meaning: your life will change

see a lot of fodder 36
For the cabal it could mean: luck

see many giraffes 88
Explanation of the dream: less arrogance and more humility

snake more heads 15
The explanation according to the cabal is: danger of seduction

see many gadfly 52
Dream meaning: you re surrounded by enemies

see many cockroaches 14
The meaning of the dream could be: bad omen, you get sick seriously

raise many cows 81
For the cabal, the interpretation is: your riches are set to increase

beehive with many bees 33
If you dreamed it, it means: reduced activity

see many airplanes 88
Esoteric meaning: victory over discord

see many fir 68
Here's what it might mean: success in business

see many infants 31
Interpretation and meaning: have any financial worries

see many reapers 7
For the cabal it could mean: prosperity in business

see many cobs 9
Explanation of the dream: being safe

see many children 12
The explanation according to the cabal is: difficulties in life

Confirmation of many children 53
Dream meaning: new and good friendships

see many pigs 35
The meaning of the dream could be: You do brisk business

see many eggs 63
For the cabal, the interpretation is: the wealth that you have to have deserved

see many anchovies lives 75
If you dreamed it, it means: luck

be assaulted by wasps 51
Esoteric meaning: interests to defend

see many witches in the pigsty 28
Here's what it might mean: you like to see your wealth

see many granite slabs 21
Interpretation and meaning: You receive soon a lot of money

many bees that enter the house 3
For the cabal it could mean: damage enemies

see many clothes hanging 67
Explanation of the dream: pain

orphanage with many children 11
The explanation according to the cabal is: glitches and mishaps