Menu Neapolitan smorfia
Dictionary of Dreams - Numbers, meaning and interpretation of dreams

Shield sword. Meaning and numbers of the dream of Napoletana Smorfia

Here's what shield sword means in dreams. Interpretation and numbers

fencing sword 15
Meaning of the dream: unjust slander

brandishing a sword 36
The meaning of the dream could be: economic well-being

threatening with sword 18
Dream Interpretation: concerns passing

hurt by the sword 12
If you dreamed it, it means: projects vanished

iron shield 36
The dream interpretation is: agreement in family

silver shield 21
Here's what it might mean: understanding and altruism

round shield 40
According to the Smorfia it means: Rise countered

noble shield 31
For the cabal it could mean: sincere affection

Roman shield 66
To dream this means: jealousy and misunderstandings

slash sword 12
The explanation according to the cabal is: you ll be greatly offended

sword 35
Dream meaning: will support you with energy and courage their idea

draw the sword 51
The meaning of the dream could be: contrasts for diversity of opinions

bring the sword 60
For the cabal, the interpretation is: coldness and indifference

ancient sword 72
If you dreamed it, it means: hassles passengers

pinning a sword 51
Esoteric meaning: physical strength

sharpen a sword 62
Here's what it might mean: continuation of disease

bloody sword 33
Interpretation and meaning: excesses of melancholy

sheathe the sword 37
For the cabal it could mean: persecution of enemies

wield the sword 28
Explanation of the dream: luck in business

sharp sword 74
The explanation according to the cabal is: hopes ephemeral

drawn sword 52
Dream meaning: economic issues to be resolved

bayonet sword 48
The meaning of the dream could be: revelations from friends

arm yourself with sword 34
For the cabal, the interpretation is: slight indisposition

wield a shield 81
If you dreamed it, it means: emotional states

war shield 51
Esoteric meaning: dissatisfaction and boredom

leather shield 61
Here's what it might mean: next novelty

rectangular shield 69
Interpretation and meaning: risky business

sword blow 11
For the cabal it could mean: notoriety and prestige

golden sword 72
Explanation of the dream: greed

sword from the sheath 30
The explanation according to the cabal is: to curb impulsiveness

wooden sword 87
Dream meaning: humiliations

tighten the sword 73
The meaning of the dream could be: will to power

use a sword duel 45
For the cabal, the interpretation is: wrongdoing

fight a duel with the sword 64
If you dreamed it, it means: persecution

shield 19
Esoteric meaning: enmity won

sword blade 2
Here's what it might mean: hopes to heal

point of a sword 11
Interpretation and meaning: new projects

sword handle 83
For the cabal it could mean: actions to be performed

coat broken 16
Explanation of the dream: serenity of spirit

swordfish 15
The explanation according to the cabal is: more force to get your results

films swashbuckling 4
Dream meaning: Earnings Surprise

face shield 7
The meaning of the dream could be: refined taste

blue sign 1
For the cabal, the interpretation is: birth of a child

red sign 68
If you dreamed it, it means: bloodshed

compass dial 90
Esoteric meaning: you'll have plenty wellbeing

bingo billboard 71
Here's what it might mean: conflict disadvantageous

shell chestnuts 27
Interpretation and meaning: good health

clock face 12
For the cabal it could mean: new pleasures

sun dial 78
Explanation of the dream: durable successes

eagle on the emblem 12
The explanation according to the cabal is: correspondence with good news

coat priest 40
Dream meaning: work difficult

coat artist 44
The meaning of the dream could be: great consolation

coat-of-arms 60
For the cabal, the interpretation is: health

coat brother 75
If you dreamed it, it means: prosperity conquered

noble coat of arms 64
Esoteric meaning: longing secret

Royal coat of arms 41
Here's what it might mean: contrasting situation

weapon on a coat of arms 24
Interpretation and meaning: travel plans

papal coat of arms 22
For the cabal it could mean: wise judgment

ace of swords 20
Explanation of the dream: major help

a slice of swordfish 84
The explanation according to the cabal is: You will find the way to success